How to Increase Customer Loyalty and Get More Google Reviews With These Psychological Hacks

Are you looking to get more Google reviews, increase customer loyalty, and build trust with your prospects?

Well, if you want something, the fastest way to get that thing is to ask, right?

It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how many businesses fail to ask when it comes to reviews, testimonials, and other forms of social proof from customers.

The simplicity of asking

According to social psychologist, Heidi Grant, author of Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help You, getting someone to help you requires a set of behavioral principles:

  • You should ask for help, as people are generally reluctant to offer unsolicited help. They are busy with their own life and work.
  • Your help request should be direct and clear, and should never sound controlling or manipulative. ‘Can you do me a favor?’ is a common question to ask, but it sounds controlling.

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