How to Write Engaging Instagram Captions

If you aren’t familiar with Instagram, you might think that the key to capturing your followers’ attention are the images you post.

Photo-shopped to perfection, bright eye-popping titles arranged in an intricate puzzle-like theme.

Yes, you are right, visuals (imagery, videos) play an important role in stopping someone casually scrolling through their Instagram feed. But what makes your audience leave a comment on your post is the way you write your Instagram caption.

So, how do you craft the most engaging Instagram caption? What triggers people to leave a comment, share, or save your post? And what is the best length for a caption?

In this post, I’m going to show you how to write captions that can compete with the likes of top brands like Starbucks, ABH, and influencers like Jenna Kutcher and Victoria Lipovetsky.

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